Eph 993 1/29/89; 5/13/75; 11/23/76; 9/16/80




A.  Introduction. (See also the doctrine of Operation Z).

            1. The whole function of the grace apparatus for perception (GAP) finds the believer at the beginning of his spiritual life in a state of ignorance regarding the thoughts of God’s right lobe.

            2. As the Christian life progresses, ignorance may continue because of negative volition to doctrine, indifference to doctrine, or distraction.

            3. There are two categories of faith in learning the mind of Christ: faith perception and faith application, or the three stages of the faith- rest drill.

            4. In learning doctrine, only faith perception applies. In the application of doctrinal rationales (the second stage of the faith-rest drill), faith application applies.

            5. The first stage in going from ignorance to cognizance is called GNOSIS in the Greek.

                        a. Teaching from the pulpit is heard and understood in your NOUS, the Greek word for the left lobe of the soul.

                        b. GNOSIS is knowledge of doctrine which resides in the left lobe where it cannot be applied or used in spiritual growth.

                        c. GNOSIS must be transferred to the right lobe as EPIGNOSIS (the Greek word for doctrine in the right lobe of the soul), in order for you to grow in the spiritual life. This is accomplished through faith perception, or being positive to the doctrine taught.

                        d. Understanding and not believing is negative faith perception. Understanding and believing is positive faith perception.

                        e. Only EPIGNOSIS can be formed categorically into doctrinal rationales for application.

            6. There are three primary systems of perception in life.

                        a. Rationalism relies on reason as the source of knowledge, claiming that reason is superior to and independent of any sensory perception. It believes that reality is what you think. Rationalism subjects Bible doctrine and scriptural interpretation to the test of human reason. Therefore, rationalism always rejects dogmatic authority.

                        b. Empiricism is the scientific system of learning by observation and experimentation. Empiricism holds that reality lies in the function of your sensory system relaying information to the brain.

                        c. Both of these systems are dependent upon human I.Q. Therefore, if God made either one the criteria for learning doctrine, He would be arbitrary and unfair, which is impossible.

                        d. Faith is a system of learning by accepting the authority of the criterion. Faith is learning by accepting words as vocabulary, or by accepting the authority of the one teaching. Faith is a non-meritorious system of thinking. Therefore, faith is the only system God could use and be consistent with His policy of grace toward the human race. The validity of faith depends on the object of faith. Heb 11:1 calls faith, “the reality of the unseen.”


B.  Faith Application.

            1. The application of doctrine to experience (reverse concentration) is faith application in contrast to faith perception.

            2. Faith perception converts gnosis doctrine into epignosis doctrine. Faith application is the second stage of the faith-rest drill, in which doctrine is applied to circumstances through reverse concentration. This is the basis for christocentric thinking in contrast to anthropocentric thinking.

            3. There are three stages in the faith-rest drill.

                        a. Stage one, claiming a doctrinal promise, is the means of reverse concentration to stabilize the mentality for thinking.

                        b. Stage two, reversing concentration on the doctrinal rationales you have learned, is the dynamics of reverse concentration.

                        c. Stage three, reaching doctrinal conclusions, is the result of reverse concentration.

            4. The dynamics of the faith-rest drill depend on the second stage of the faith-rest drill. Claiming promises is the means to the end, but is not the end.

            5. The ultimate is the second stage of the faith-rest drill, or reverse concentration, which is the application of doctrinal rationales to one’s environment and circumstances.

            6. The first stage of the faith-rest drill, claiming promises, can only stabilize the believer for the dynamics of applying doctrinal rationales in the second stage. 7. The real issue of the faith-rest drill is reverse concentration. Claiming promises will not apply doctrine to the situation.

            8. Without reverse concentration the believer cannot utilize epignosis doctrine. The believer must learn to think in terms of divine viewpoint.


C.  The Mechanics of GAP.

            1. Stage one is the communication of doctrine from one’s right pastor either face to face or in absentia.

                        a. The congregation is placed under a system of spiritual humility for perception and reception of Bible doctrine. Spiritual humility requires the filling of the Holy Spirit and the existence of humility whether organized (in the local church), enforced (by the authority of the pastor), or genuine (from your own positive reception of doctrine).

                        b. The believer must be motivated by positive volition to hear doctrine. (When you lose your motivation you lose your spiritual growth.) This leads to concentration and self-discipline.

                        c. Therefore, learning the rebound rationale and applying it while listening to Bible teaching is very important.

                        d. Stage one begins with the pastor communicating doctrine using the I.C.E. procedure.

                                    (1) “I” stands for isagogics, which is the interpretation of the Bible within the framework of its historical setting.

                                    (2) “C” stands for the categorical communication of doctrine, which fulfills the hermeneutical principle of comparing Scripture to Scripture to determine the classification of doctrine.

                                    (3) “E” stands for the exegetical communication of doctrine, which is the analysis of each verse in its context to determine the exact meaning of that verse in its relationship to the context as a whole, analyzing grammar, syntax, and etymology.

            2. Stage two is operation gnosis, in which you understand what you hear and comprehend it in the left lobe of your soul.

                        a. The function of receptive comprehension means that under the ministry of the Spirit and with enough frame of reference, you actually understand the doctrine being taught. This is made possible under a system of enforced humility.

                        b. When you understand, the doctrine goes to the left lobe, one of the two lobes which make up the mentality of the soul.

                        c. The believer approaches doctrinal teaching in ignorance. The objective is to turn ignorance into cognizance.

                        d. If ignorance persists, it is because the believer is negative to the doctrine being taught.

                        e. If he is negative in attending class, it is because he is involved in the cosmic system. (Organizational arrogance destroys all systems of humility that would motivate concentration.)

                        f. Other reasons for ignorance include lack of frame of reference, sporadic exposure to doctrine, distractions from the pleasures of life, and an erroneous scale of values, all of which perpetuate arrogance, discipline, and failure.

                        g. Apart from the ignorance factor, a believer under the ministry of the Holy Spirit can and does learn doctrine from his right pastor.

                        h. Once the believer understands doctrine under the principle of receptive comprehension, it is called gnosis and resides in his left lobe. Gnosis information cannot result in spiritual growth nor can it be applied to experience. Gnosis doctrine is waiting for the believer’s faith to convert it into epignosis. It is doctrinal thought still in the staging area. Gnosis is fat; epignosis is muscle.

            3. Stage three is the function of faith-perception.

                        a. There are two kinds of faith:  faith-perception and faith application. Both are related to the plan of God.

                        b. Faith-perception is used in learning doctrine and converting gnosis into epignosis. Then faith-application can use epignosis doctrine in application to life.

                        c. In stage three, gnosis is converted to epignosis through the function of faith-perception. The mechanics involve volition and faith. There are two possibilities:  “I understand what you are saying, but I don’t believe it,” or “I understand and I do believe it.”

                                    (1) This stage is critical to fulfilling the plan of God for your life, because only epignosis doctrine can be used in application, causing one’s advance to spiritual maturity.

                                    (2) The faith-rest drill has no muscle without epignosis doctrine.

                                    (3) Faith is non-meritorious; therefore it is a grace system of perception and does not depend on your human I.Q.

            4. Stage four is the function of faith-application.

                        a. Faith-application is reverse concentration or the second stage of the faith-rest drill.

                        b. Faith-application converts epignosis doctrine into experience. Epignosis doctrine consists of the doctrinal rationales. The believer with gnosis doctrine in the soul is only capable of anthropocentric thinking.

                        c. Epignosis doctrine is the only divine viewpoint that can be applied to life. Claiming promises through faith is not the end; it is not a panacea. It is merely a stabilizer for thinking.

                        d. In stage three of the faith-rest drill, you come to doctrinal conclusions and are in control of the situation. Doctrine is more real to you than anything else in life.

                        e. The right lobe has different categories.

                                    (1) The frame of reference of the right lobe is where epignosis doctrine becomes the foundation for learning more advanced doctrine.

                                    (2) The vocabulary storage of the right lobe is where technical identification of epignosis doctrine is stored.

                                    (3) The memory center of the right lobe is the computer where epignosis doctrine is stored in a manner that brings into focus what is pertinent to a given situation.

                                    (4) The categorical storage of the right lobe is where individual doctrines are formed into rationales for application to life.

                                    (5) The conscience of the right lobe is where epignosis doctrine forms new standards for life.

                                    (6) The launching pad is used for application of epignosis doctrine to life, which is the function of reverse concentration.

                        f. The frame of reference performs a number of functions.

                                    (1) It sets up a system for using basic doctrines as the means for learning advanced doctrines.

                                    (2) It sets up a red alert section of the soul to detect false doctrine.

                                    (3) It uses epignosis doctrine for dealing with problems of the subconscious and guilt complex.

                                    (4) It uses epignosis doctrine for effective communication of ideas in conversation, witnessing, and public speaking.

                                    (5) It provides capacity for life, love, and happiness.

                                    (6) It raises one’s spiritual I.Q., and motivates general learning and understanding of life.

            5. Stage five is spiritual growth in the fulfillment of the plan of God. Only epignosis doctrine results in spiritual growth and occupation with the person of Christ.


D.  Human I.Q. is not an issue in the function of GAP. GAP is a grace system for perception, Col 1:9-10; 1 Cor 3:16; 1 Thes 5:23; 1 Cor 1:19-2:16.


E.  Grace Provision for the Perception of Bible Doctrine.

            1. God has provided the mechanics of inspiration for the formation and preservation of the canon of Scripture.

            2. God provides the omnipotence of God the Holy Spirit inside the divine dynasphere enabling us to understand the mechanics for the execution of the protocol plan.

            3. God provides the divine plan for the Church. Hence, the protocol plan of God for the royal family of God.

            4. God provides a right pastor-teacher for every member of the royal family who is positive to doctrine. There is no such thing as a self-made Christian. You must learn from someone else.

            5. God provides the privacy of the royal priesthood for the perception of mystery doctrine. Every believer is given a royal priesthood for the purpose of freedom and privacy. Bible doctrine in your soul is your altar.

            6. Logistical grace support, by which every member of the royal family is kept alive for equal privilege and equal opportunity to execute God’s plan. Logistical grace includes the provision of your human anatomy, transportation, clothes, food, shelter, and other necessities of life.

            7. God provides spiritual freedom, in contrast to human freedom. Spiritual freedom exists only within the divine dynasphere. Human freedom is for the entire human race through the laws of divine establishment. Spiritual freedom is described in Gal 5:1; human freedom is described in Jn 8:32.

            8. God provides the local church as the classroom for the royal family to learn His Word. Worship is academic, not emotional. You must know God’s system to function under His system. God always raises up local churches where pastors are faithful in the teaching of the Word of God.

            9. God provides human volition as the means of transferring Bible doctrine from the left lobe to the right lobe of the soul.


F.  There is no substitute for the function of GAP, Job 32:1-9.




 © 1989, by R. B. Thieme, Jr.  All rights reserved.
